Start to get Shanghai Daily top news on your mobile phone today!

Mobile phone users in Shanghai will be able to receive Shanghai Daily mobile newspaper every morning. The mobile newspaper focuses on top news in Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta and other provinces in China to feature a wide variety of local news and practical services messages with Expo coverage as its highlights. News in the mobile paper also has Chinese abstracts.

Shanghai Daily, the authorized partner of the official Website of Expo 2010 Shanghai China, will include the latest and useful Expo information and basic Expo knowledge in the mobile paper as well.

The mobile newspaper will be issued once a day in morning editions, 3 yuan a month. No GPRS fee will be charged for receiving the MMS newspaper. Forward the newspaper or click through URLs contained in the newspaper might trigger GPRS charges.

How to Subscribe to Shanghai Daily Mobile Newspaper:

Shanghai Mobile users:

Send text "KTSD" to 10086 to subscribe
Also call 10086 for English subscription services

Users will then receive a Chinese message seeking confirmation. Please reply text "1" to activate your subscription.

Shanghai Telecom E-surfing users:

Send text "SD" to 10628666 to subscribe

Users will then receive a Chinese message seeking confirmation. Please reply any texts to activate your subscription. Shanghai Telecom’s users whose cell numbers begin with 133 cannot use this service.

Shanghai Unicom users:

Send text "SD" to 1065575705 to subscribe

Users will then receive a Chinese message seeking confirmation. Please reply "Y" to activate your subscription.

How to Unsubscribe to Shanghai Daily Mobile Newspaper:

Shanghai Mobile users can send text "QXSD" to 10086 while Shanghai Telecom E-surfing users should send text "QXSD" to 10628666 to cancel subscription. Shanghai Unicom users can send "CX0000" to 1065575705 to cancel subscription.

上海地区手机用户从今天起可以订阅覆盖上海移动、联通和电信三大平台的Shanghai Daily英语手机彩信报。彩信报不仅为在沪外籍人士提供迅捷的资讯服务,更为沪上年轻白领、学生和英语爱好者提供随身的英语新闻学习范本。




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退订Shanghai Daily彩信手机报:

上海移动用户发送"QXSD"至10086退订, 上海电信天翼用户发送"QXSD"至10628666退订, 上海联通用户可发送"CX0000" 至1065575705退订。

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