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The butter revolution spreads 

Sunday | Food

REMEMBER when butter came in two varieties - salted and not? Food writer and blogger Leitha Matz can, which makes it all the more surprising when she contemplates the herd of butter choices now crowding grocery...

Brewing a taste of home 

Sunday | Food

WHEN a friend gave Joey Redner a taste of a beer that had been aged with Spanish cedar - the wood used to wrap and box cigars - he knew it was an idea worth stealing. The aroma and flavor instantly reminded the...

Serving fresh food one plate at a time 

Sunday | Food

IF the restaurant world had farm teams, Chez Panisse in California is where the talent scouts would hang out. The Berkeley restaurant, cofounded by food activist Alice Waters 40 years ago, is famous as a pioneer...

The underdog grape 

Sunday | Food

MANY of us have a soft spot in our hearts for the underdog. The wine world is no different, especially in the case of the much-maligned, mix-breed grape Pinotage, a controversial South African original. The first...

Heavenly food stinks to high heaven 

Sunday | Food

WHEN it comes to stinky food, there's no middle ground. You either love or hate it. I recently saw a perfect love-hate example at a street stall near fashionable Xintiandi last week. On one side of the street,...

Mozzarella magician 

Sunday | Food

GREAT Napoli pizza needs great mozzarella cheese and some of the very best mozzarella in Shanghai is made by Kyeong Joo Lee, a South Korean woman who delivers fresh cheese daily to Italian restaurants such as Issimo...

Chocolatier who thinks big 

Sunday | Food

PATRICK Roger, an enfant terrible on the gourmet scene who speeds around Paris on his Ducati, is often called the Rodin of chocolate. While he produces up to 6 million pieces a year, sold in his seven boutiques...

Common crustacean 

Sunday | Food

MACARONI and cheese and pot pies may conjure up images of grandma's kitchen. But those traditional dishes these days are being combined with the king of seafood and transformed into value-added lobster dishes that...

Iconic cereal gets round to 70 

Sunday | Food

CHEERIOS, the iconic cereal known by its distinctive yellow box, is 70 years old this year and still a force on the breakfast cereal market. One out of every eight boxes of cereal to leave the shelf in the United States...

Just simple desserts 

Sunday | Food

FRENCH chic, style that's old fashioned but with a new look, applies not only to fashion but now as well to the creative world of French dessert and pastry. Long famous for being elaborate, intricate, highly decorated...

The sinister side of sprouts 

Sunday | Food

SPROUTS may not be as healthy as you thought. Now implicated in an outbreak that has killed more than 30 people and sickened over 3,100 in Europe, they are a frequent culprit in foodborne illness. Though they add...

Wake up your senses 

Sunday | Food

TODAY, coffee is seen to be a common beverage. With a Starbucks on every corner and instant coffee in every supermarket, it is hard to imagine that it was once considered the beverage of the rich and the important...

A cool white for a hot summer 

Sunday | Food

DO you dread the summer heat? Fret not, as I have the perfect wine to cool even the hottest day, Sauvignon Blanc. While Sauvignon Blanc can make wines of many styles and is a successful partner in many blends, I will...

Meat traced from farm to fridge 

Sunday | Food

FIRST came organic, then free-range, then local. Now discerning diners with a penchant for spending a premium to know where food comes from are pushing DNA-traceable meat onto restaurant menus. The technology which...

Daring dogs with extra bite 

Sunday | Food

IT sounds like the sort of thing fraternity boys would dare each other to eat: a hot dog wrapped in bacon, stuffed in a puffy roll, then smothered in pinto beans, onions, tomatoes, mustard, jalapeno sauce, cheese,...

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