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Affordable homes set to climb 

Business | Real estate

CHINA will complete the construction of more affordable housing units next year and will support citizens' "reasonable" demand for new homes by prioritizing loans to first-home buyers, the housing ministry said yesterday. ...

Housing loses its appeal as preferred investment 

Business | Real estate

THE number of Chinese people intending to buy homes has dropped to its lowest since 2008, with housing losing its appeal as the most preferred investment option for individuals, a central bank quarterly survey showed...

Home buying intention edges down as asset loses its appeal 

Business | Real estate

CHINESE home purchasing intention dropped to a near three-year low with the asset losing its appeal as the most preferred investment option for individuals in the fourth quarter, a central bank survey showed today. ...

Repaying early may not work out 

Business | Real estate

HOMEBUYERS who may seek to repay their loans in advance at the end of this year to avoid higher interest cost may find that it is not in their interest to do so especially if they already enjoyed a 30 percent rate...

Big property investment deals reach 6-year high 

Business | Real estate

MAJOR real estate investment deals in Shanghai this year rose to the highest in six years, with office buildings remaining the most favored property transaction, an international real estate services provider said...

Shanghai keeping curbs on property market 

Business | Real estate

SHANGHAI is to further strengthen efforts to rein in housing speculation next year and continue to enforce home-purchase restrictions, the local government said yesterday. It is the latest in a number of Chinese...

Sanya's housing bubble deflates as prices post tumble in China's Hawaii 

Business | Real estate

ZHU Lei, a property agent for the Serenity Coast luxury residential and hotel complex in Sanya on China's Hainan island, recalls clients carrying suitcases of cash to shop for holiday apartments last year. "We...

Lowest housing price on cuts 

Business | Real estate

THE average price of new apartments fell to the lowest in over nine months in Shanghai last week as property developers cut prices to trigger demand from budget-conscious home buyers. New homes, excluding government-funded...

HK luxury home rents reach 'tipping point' as financial sector scales back 

Business | Real estate

HONG Kong luxury home rents, which fell last quarter for the first time since mid-2009, may slump 10 percent next year as banks and hedge funds scale back amid the threat of a global recession, according to brokers,...

Cities see prices for homes fall 

Business | Real estate

AN increasing number of Chinese cities reported falls in new home prices last month, the National Bureau of Statistics said yesterday. Excluding government-funded affordable housing, prices fell in 49 out of 70...

City's Silicon Valley attracts talent with low-cost housing 

Business | Real estate

A NEW batch of subsidized apartments in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park in Pudong, often referred to as Shanghai's Silicon Valley, were released yesterday as part of the city's effort to attract talented professionals....

Discounts for luxury properties 

Business | Real estate

THE Star River Group, a developer specializing in luxury residential properties, will introduce discounts of between 15 and 20 percent or even bigger rebates for its two projects in Shanghai, becoming the first luxury...

Property executives buy stock after curbs depress values 

Business | Real estate

EXECUTIVES of Chinese developers including Shimao Property Holdings Ltd and Glorious Property Holdings Ltd are buying the most stock in their companies since at least 2008, betting the government will ease curbs on...

Fewer housing projects offered for sale in 2012 

Business | Real estate

MORE than 60 residential projects in Shanghai will be offering their units for sale for the first time next year, with nearly half of them located in Pudong New Area as well as Baoshan and Jiading districts. The...

Measures to curb house prices set to continue 

Business | Real estate

CHINA is sticking to its commitment to bring down home prices to a reasonable level next year as part of efforts to ensure healthy development of the real estate industry. The government will unswervingly implement...

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