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How China can encourage start-ups

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

EDITOR'S note: This is the third and final part of Ni Tao's interview with Saul Singer, co-author of "Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle." Q: China is still at a low stage of innovation...

Israel's start-up culture encourages risks, innovation

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

EDITOR'S note: FOR a country that's blessed with few natural resources, Israel's economic success is spectacular. With one start-up for every 1,844 Israelis, Israel has more fledgling businesses per capita than...

Wall Street lessons for Shanghai's finance

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

THE Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York City. But its lesson is relevant worldwide. The protests are against social and economic inequality, high unemployment, greed, corruption, and the undue influence...

Connected consumers can make or break

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

COMPANIES have often grappled with the "ownership" of their brands. Ultimately, the brand is simply what it represents in the minds of consumers. Strong brands generate strong emotions and consumers can have a real...

China Super League faces long road before it can score

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

COME January, and the fans of Shanghai Shenhua can be forgiven for being sanguine about a very fulfilling New Year. It is not always that their club gives them much reasons to cheer, but they will be hoping that the...

Punish everyone on wrong side of road in ticketing blitz

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

THE recent school bus accident in Xuzhou, in which 15 young and promising young lives were snuffed out, appears to have been caused by a pedi-cab traveling in the "wrong" left road lane. It seems high time that...

Ode to the splendor of China old and new

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

I have been in China now for over two months and I am surprised and sometimes a little embarrassed that so many Chinese people I meet scoff at my liking for Lao Tzu and the principles of Tao and Confucianism. "The...

Western stagnation, trade barriers threaten poorer nations

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

PROTRACTED economic stagnation in rich countries continues to threaten the development prospects of poorer countries. Globalization and economic liberalization over the last few decades have, of course, helped...

Aussie writer 'Singing Love Songs in China'

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

I grew up in St Lucia in Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, Australia. My father taught Latin, history, math and English at a local grammar school and my mother, who was from the country and who had left school...

Public sector cuts won't save euro

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

JUST when it seemed that things couldn't get worse, it appears that they have. Even some of the ostensibly "responsible" members of the eurozone are facing higher interest rates. Economists on both sides of the...

Necessary euro bailout flies in face of capitalism

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

IF any solution to the European crisis proposed over the next few days is to restore confidence to the sovereign-bond markets, it will have to be both economically viable and politically palatable to rescuers and rescued...

Airport checks embarrass elderly

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

WITH age come such things as catheters, colostomy bags and adult diapers. Now add another indignity to getting old - having to drop your pants and show these things to a complete stranger. Two women in their 80s...

India, US face hurdles in channeling hatred of rich

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

INEQUALITY is on the public's mind almost everywhere nowadays. Indeed, in India and the United States, widespread popular movements against rising inequality and elite greed are becoming highly salient issues...

Detroit epitomizes demise of great American cities

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

IN the past, the American Dream meant a steady career, financial security and, most importantly, a house. Today, that dream is struggling. Recently, Michigan's Republican governor took the first step toward a...

Don't hold your breath for climate accord at Durban

Opinion | Foreign perspectives

THE 17th conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, popularly known as COP-17, is taking place in Durban, South Africa, at a critical moment, as the historic 1997 Kyoto Protocol is set to expire next...

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