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TCM Treasures - Hawthorn 

Sunday | Now and Then

RED hawthorns are an effective herb in TCM that helps relieve indigestion problems and treat high blood pressure. According to the legend, hawthorn was discovered by famous herbalist Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty...

TCM Treasures - Desmodium (金钱草) 

Sunday | Now and Then

DESMODIUM is a widely used herb for treating kidney and gallbladder stones in TCM. With its leaves shaped like an ancient Chinese coin, it is named "jinqian cao" (literally money grass). It is said that there...

Lijiang Old Town 

Sunday | Now and Then

LIJIANG'S Old Town, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site in Yunnan Province, has retained a historic look that is truly authentic. Its architecture is noteworthy...

Royal tombs and more at Yinxu ruins 

Sunday | Now and Then

THE archeological site of Yinxu, close to Anyang City, some 500 kilometers south of Beijing, is an ancient capital city of the late Shang Dynasty (1300-1046 BC). It testifies to the golden age of early Chinese...

The Potala Palace 

Sunday | Now and Then

THE Potala Palace in China's Tibet Autonomous Region symbolizes Tibetan Buddhism and its central role in the traditional administration of Tibet. Also founded in the 7th century, the Jokhang Temple Monastery is an...

She chuang zi 

Sunday | Now and Then

THE small non-attractive, umbrella-shaped white flower quite common today in damp fields and by the sides of streams was once a precious herb that you had to risk your life to obtain. According to the legend,...

Ancient Anhui villages 

Sunday | Now and Then

XIDI and Hongcun are villages in east China's Anhui Province that preserve to a remarkable extent the appearance of non-urban settlements of a type that largely disappeared or was transformed during the past century....

Grottoes prove to be inspiring 

Sunday | Now and Then

THE culture and sophistication of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) is encapsulated in the exceptional stone carvings of the Longmen Grottoes, which illustrate the perfection of a long-established art form which was to...

TCM treasures-Lily root 

Sunday | Now and Then

LILY root is a highly recommended food in the summer as it can help dispel pathogenic heat, and soothe various discomfort caused by the hot environment. The soft and sweet taste makes it a popular ingredient in...

Suzhou's classical gardens 

Sunday | Now and Then

CLASSICAL Gardens of Suzhou are masterpieces of Chinese landscape garden design, integrating art, nature and philosophy in ensembles of beauty and harmony. They have been listed as UNESCO world heritage in 1997. ...

Reed rhizome 

Sunday | Now and Then

EDITOR'S Note: In this biweekly column, we introduce a medicinal ingredient used in traditional Chinese medicine, along with prescription and usage instructions. By providing basic knowledge of TCM, we aim to...

Ge gen 

Sunday | Now and Then

EDITOR'S Note: In this biweekly column, we introduce a medicinal ingredient used in traditional Chinese medicine, along with prescription and usage instructions. By providing basic knowledge of TCM, we aim to acquaint...

Mountain with religious history 

Sunday | Now and Then

MOUNT Songshan is considered to be the central sacred mountain of China. At the foot of this 1,500-meter high mountain, close to the city of Dengfeng in Henan Province and spread over a 40-square-kilometer circle,...

黄道婆 Huang Daopo (circa 1245-1330) - Granny's great innovations 

Sunday | Now and Then

"GRANNY Huang, Granny Huang, teach me spinning, teach me weaving. Turning two spools of yarn into two bolts of cloth." This popular ballad had been sung by generations of people living in the suburban areas of Shanghai...

West Lake latest addition to list 

Sunday | Now and Then

THE World Heritage Committee inscribed the West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou on UNESCO's World Heritage List on Friday. The inscribed landscape, comprising the West Lake and the hills surrounding its three...

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