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Old World Expo site to become creative industry hub

By Yang Jian  |   2011-8-31  |     ONLINE EDITION

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WORK has started to transform the Puxi part of the World Expo 2010 site into a creative industry investment hub due to open next year, the area operator said today.

The Expo Development Group said it envisioned the creation of an open block for cultural exchange, exhibition, creative industry and entertainment in the former Urban Best Practices Area, a Shanghai Expo creation along the Huangpu River.

All the buildings in the area, mostly renovated old factories, will remain. More than 80 exhibitors from cities around the world were showcased inside these buildings during the expo that ran from May to October last year.

In addition the eco-friendly design of the area will be maintained as a model for good urban development, a press official of the group said.

The buildings in the north will be rented to design companies as offices, while the south will be home to art exhibitions, fashion shows and retail, the group said.

The group today signed a contract with a French company to operate France's Rhone-Alpes Pavilion, marking the start of the area's post-Expo development.

The 2,500-square-meter Rhone-Alpes Pavilion featured Vegetation Purification Technology during the Expo, meaning the pavilion was able to purify the air inside.

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