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'Zorro' will slice its way to Shanghai

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BATMAN, Spider-Man and Iron Man are all well-known superheroes who seek justice while hiding behind a mask. One of the earliest masked heroes, Zorro, is coming to Shanghai in the form of a musical this October...

Broadway offers less razzle-dazzle this season

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IF Broadway last season was dominated by a glitzy Spider-Man, its new season seems to be shaping up more like his workaday alter ego Peter Parker. A quieter, less risky year is in the cards, with fewer big movie...

The best of Broadway in Shanghai

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SHANGHAI Culture Square is set to open with a bang as a collection of Broadway's greatest hits will be performed in "Ultimate Broadway," writes Zhang Qian. Shanghai Culture Square will open with "Ultimate Broadway,"...

Street kid stars in Chinese musical

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AS the Chinese version of "Mamma Mia!" leaves town, the curtain rises next week on an original Chinese musical set in old Shanghai - the famous story of a street urchin. "The Vagrant Life of Sanmao" is musician-composer...

Jewel in the culture crown

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THE newest addition to the entertainment scene is the spectacular Shanghai Culture Square, site of the old flower market and originally a greyhound race track. After five years of construction, there's a new jewel...

Sometimes it's hard to defend local scene

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TRICKY'S performance last week at Mao Livehouse was haphazard, confounding and sometimes boring, but it wasn't cringe worthy. No, the only time I had an adverse physical reaction at that show was while I was...

Symphonic Chinese opera sans gongs, clappers

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AN experimental Peking Opera features Western symphonic music - no traditional gongs, cymbals, wooden clappers and stringed instruments. The classic "Female Generals of the Yang Family" will be staged next month...

Charity show of dance, sculpture and bass clarinet

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DANCE, music and sculpture will come together in the premier performance of "The Garden of Eden" Friday night at Bund 18. The fusion of moving art and music with quiet art provides a pleasing and thought-provoking...

There's music in the summer air

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HIGH-QUALITY, low-ticket classical, jazz, rock and modern music will fill the air for two weeks starting July 31, beckoning more than 20,000 music lovers. The Music in the Summer Air (MISA) festival will feature...

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Mandarin after midnight)

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THE Chinese version of a British stage musical made its debut in Shanghai last week. Zhang Qian finds out whether its original brilliance was lost in translation. As the curtain rose, the audience found the familiar...

Sweet music of UK boys' choir

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THE Choir of King's College Cambridge, a renowned 600-year-old boys' choir, will perform in a summer concert on July 17 at Shanghai Concert Hall. Music director Stephen Cleobury will conduct the a cappella choir...

Ethereal crossover singer in concert

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SINGER-SONGWRITER Sa Dingding is famous for her haunting voice and ethereal crossover songs and fans of the world music star can hear her in a concert on July 9 at Shanghai Grand Stage. "I assure you that it will...

Plucky couple make their Shanghai debut

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THE harp, the plucked string instrument with the soft sound, is a popular feature in orchestra, opera and chamber music. And on Saturday, two harps will be played together on the Shanghai stage by two of the world's...

Skaters hit the ice as a pianist hits the keys

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WITH a young talented pianist playing classical pieces while the world's top figure skaters dance on ice, local audiences will be embraced by a pleasantly "cool" audio and visual experience this summer. "Art...

Have a blast and love the bears

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A big black moon bear raises its paw and makes the rockers' "horn" salute in posters promoting the three-day Midi outdoor rock festival that comes to town on Friday, featuring rockers from around the world. Animal...

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