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Savoring seasonal dishes in Suzhou

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SUZHOU cuisine is famous for soft and tender textures, as well as an impressive selection of fish and water plants. Gao Ceng takes a bite. Suzhou, in Shanghai's neighboring Jiangsu Province, is known for its classical...

Swiss chef keeps cooking simple

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IN the lobby of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Changfeng Park, a smiling man wearing chef's whites often welcomes guests in his resonate voice. He is Albert Th?ny, the executive chef. I have met him several times and...

Curries, kebabs and spicy specials

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INDIAN cuisine enjoys popularity the world over. Whatever corner of the globe you go to, you will find fine restaurants offering delicious Indian food - and Shanghai is no exception. Most Indian dishes are made...

Lotus eaters savor symbolic flower

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AUGUST is the peak time for the lotus to flower, and throughout China there are vast expanses of pink and white flowers stretching as far as the eye can see in comforting visions of tranquillity. Chinese people,...

Breakfasts worth getting out of bed for

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AN old Chinese saying goes "the day begins with a good start in the morning." Thus Chinese people consider breakfast especially important. Twenty years ago in Shanghai, the pace of life was not as quick as today....

Ultra-low calorie foods encourage bingeing

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WHEN'S the last time you were guiltily scraping your way to the bottom of an ice cream carton and noticed this message: "150 calories per 1 pint?" Yes, per pint (half lifter). Foods aimed at helping you slim...

Versatile tofu - cubes to tiramisu

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TOFU or soybean curd is one of the staples of Chinese, Southeast Asian and East Asian cooking and comes in many varieties. It can be eaten for breakfast as a bowl of custard-like doufu hua with sweet or salty toppings....

Restaurant trio offers real taste of Greece

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TAVERNA" is Greek for "tavern," a place where people gather to eat and drink, and also for travelers to receive lodging. And local restaurant chain Greek Taverna strives to offer Shanghai exactly what its name embodies...

Passionate German, global citizen

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NOT many teenagers have a clear idea about what kind of job they may want to do when they grow up, but Florian Heiner, general manager of Regal Plaza Hotel & Residence, is surely one of the lucky guys who had the answer...

Healthy Japanese cuisine for summer

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JAPANESE cuisine in summer is one of the perfect options - delicate and healthy. It's also the season when eel and the Carangidae fish family are at their best. These include jacks, pompanos, jack mackerels and...

DIY for food safety

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FINDING safe food these days is like walking through a mine field - now chemically pumped-up watermelons are exploding. So worried housewives are making basic foods such as soy milk and yogurt and they're choosing...

Eton Cafe offers marvellous Malay cuisine

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MALAYSIAN food is often described as spicy and flavorful as it utilizes a melting pot of spices and herbs. And if you want an authentic taste of this distinct Southeast Asian cuisine, Eton Café at the Eton Hotel Shanghai...

Typica coffee and cake at Q's

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Q'S Café is in the old lanes of the Tianzifang area on Taikang Road. In recent years, the area has been one of Shanghai's strongest art districts and the home of many art galleries and creative spaces. Now there...

A beefy option along the Bund

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CHAR Restaurant and Bar opened last month and is the latest addition to the Bund's eclectic dining scene. It claims to be the only restaurant in Shanghai now serving the award-winning Blackmore Wagyu Beef from...

Sweet treats at Cova Caffé

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SINCE Cova Caffé opened its doors in 1817 in Milan nearly 200 years ago, it has become the city's most reputable cafe, attracting affluent and celebrity guests alike. Last week Cova opened two cafes in Shanghai...

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