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Craze for 'magic' caterpillar fungus damages land

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

A yellowish caterpillar fungus is about two inches long and weighs less than 1 gram, but a tiny stalk sells for about as much as half a gram of gold, even in the nearest town from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where it...

Sina pledges to stamp out online falsehoods

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

INTERNET portal Sina has pledged to ensure the authenticity of the information it provides online and commit to the "spread of advanced culture." Sina said this was important for the healthy and orderly development...

Libya decision is one made at the right time

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

CHINA'S official recognition of Libya's National Transition Council as its ruling authority and representative of the Libyan people is a mature decision made at the right time by the Chinese side. China and Libya...

Cashing in on culture turns it into a commodity

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

IN a city that changes at bewildering speed, it seems meaningless to bemoan the disappearance of old things from our life. Still, the recent news that an established art form is losing ground in Shanghai has aroused...

There's no bias against foreign oil companies

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

HOW does the accuser become the accused? That's what has happened to China after it ordered a shutdown of drilling platforms operated by the ConocoPhillips over an oil spill. The China subsidiary of US-based ConocoPhillips...

ConocoPhillips messes up 'crisis management'

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

SO-CALLED "crisis management" skills that ConocoPhillips China has used after recent oil spills in north China's Bohai Sea do not help the company, and it may unintentionally harm itself by resorting to such tactics,...

Blowing in the wind: Too many turbines and too few grids

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

IN a vast prairie north of Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, hundreds of wind turbines stand like a vast, unbroken forest. The turbines have created both opportunities and problems...

Good Samaritan saved by video from charges

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

HAD it not been for video cameras mounted atop the windshield, bus driver Yin Hongbin would have been just another of the many wronged good Samaritans. The ordinary driver of a coach in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province,...

Human ear on mouse a milestone in medicine

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

THE dust has settled: Shanghai Jiao Tong University announced on August 26 that, contrary to earlier peer and media accusations, Dr Cao Yilin had not cheated in his experiments of growing human ears on the backs of...

New rule respects legal rights

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

CHINA'S draft amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law will further protect human rights, Chinese experts say. The experts commented in response to doubts cast by some international media outlets on an article...

No purely free market

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

Q: The financial crisis has exposed the flaws of neo-liberal economics. Many have renounced their blind faith in the market and realized the need of government intervention. Does it spell the end of laissez-faire free...

Joe Biden's visit more than a courtesy call

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

UNDER the shadow of US debt and noises about arms sales to Taiwan, US Vice President Joe Biden has arrived in China for a six-day visit, through next Monday. Chinese analysts expect Biden's China tour, which began...

Beijing's greener bet

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

PEOPLE from all over the world have considered Beijing as an important window for observing China's politics and cultural development. While this statement is true, it is also true that the capital's economic...

It's in US interests to engage China

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

Q: Europe seems to welcome Chinese investment and bailout of its public debts. American politicians view Chinese firms with suspicion and worry China owns too much of their debts. Is Europe's receptiveness to China...

History of US debt is history of US wars

Opinion | Chinese perspectives

THE global economy risks the prospect of a double-dip recession, again because of the debt issue in the US. The 2008 world recession started with the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US. This time it is Uncle...

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