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Cabbie caught smoking in car is sanctioned

Metro | Traffic

A Shanghai taxi driver had his license suspended for smoking in his taxi, the first cabbie to receive such a punishment since the city tightened its crackdown on smoking in public places in May. "I regret smoking...

Pilot pay not based on fuel use, airline experts say

Metro | Traffic

LOCAL experts and airline officials yesterday refuted an accusation that many private carriers link fuel consumption to pilot pay, an allegation that came in the wake of a Juneyao Airlines pilot refusing to give way...

City taxis lauded but data iffy

Metro | Traffic

SHANGHAI cabs have been listed among the 10 greatest taxis in the world by, although the honor may be dubious given that the travel guide website, under the US-based television news network CNN, couldn't...

Cabbie goes extra mile to help riders

Metro | Traffic

A local cabbie is offering something in his limited car space you don't expect to see in taxis - daily goodies to passengers in need. Bian Jun, 44, in April became the first taxi driver in Shanghai to provide...

'Taxis' seized

Metro | Traffic

CITY traffic authorities said yesterday that they seized more than 300 illegal taxi motorcycles in a three-day crackdown. Officers caught violators at key areas as part of a bid to get rid of the illegal operation...

Airport parking fees get look

Metro | Traffic

CITY authorities said they would consider lowering the parking fares at the city's two international airports in response to public complaints and a local government advisory body. Many drivers park their cars...

GPS devices

Metro | Traffic

VEHICLES transporting restaurant garbage in Shanghai will be equipped with GPS devices to help authorities better monitor the treatment of food waste. Some small businesses collect the waste to illegally produce...

Bus stop ads draw ire

Metro | Traffic

SHANGHAI bus riders are complaining that illegally placed adverts at downtown bus stops are making it difficult or impossible to read the routes and schedules. The problem is spreading to many bus stops including...

Breasts or iPad? Brawl ensues

Metro | Traffic

A bloody fight occurred in a Metro Line 9 train on Thursday night after a man, surnamed Yang looked down onto the screen of a fellow passenger's iPad and her boyfriend thought he was looking at his girlfriend's breasts,...

Boarding denial for old man onto bus raises debate

Metro | Traffic

A debate has resurfaced after a local bus driver denied boarding to a weak old man on Thursday, fearing he could be injured during the ride. There are more than 2 million seniors at least 65 years old in town...

Disliked luxury berths added to night trains

Metro | Traffic

THE railway operator yesterday resumed luxury sleep berth service, once removed after passenger complaints, on the added night trains along the Shanghai-Beijing line. Not one ticket was sold for the expensive berths,...

Named Juneyao pilot denies being part of Qatar Airways saga

Metro | Traffic

A South Korean pilot Choi Eunjung of Juneyao Airlines today said she was not the pilot who refused to give way to a Qatar Airways plane as several Chinese news websites and online rumors have claimed. Juneyao has...

Life ban for pilot who ignored Mayday call

Metro | Traffic

JUNEYAO Airlines apologized yesterday after China's civil aviation regulator revoked the license of one of its South Korean pilots. The pilot had refused to give way to a Qatar Airways plane that was running...

Metro line to get more service

Metro | Traffic

SHANGHAI'S Metro operator will increase service on Line 2, the city's busiest and most crowded subway, by extending operating hours and shortening interval times along parts of the route starting Thursday. The...

More trains, longer hours for Metro Line 2

Metro | Traffic

SHANGHAI Metro operator will increase the capacity of Metro Line 2, the city's busiest subway, by prolonging operation hours and shortening interval along the line starting from September 1. The interval span...

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